This annual event by livable streets is awesome check it out!
10 StreetTalks in one night! 4th Annual 10-in-1 StreetTalk.
Tuesday, December 16, 6-9pm
Central Square Theater
Ten 7-minute presentations including:
- John Barros, Boston’s Director of Economic Development, “Lessons from the Netherlands.”
- Andrew Howard, Harvard LOEB Fellow, “Better Block.”
- Matthew George, CEO, Bridj.
- Alice Brown, Boston’s Urban Mobility Project Manager, “Questions Campaign.”
- Josh Ostroff, T4MA Director of Outreach, “Vote No” campaign.
- … and more!
Learn about innovative transportation research, start ups, and advocacy stories given by planners, city officials, students, entrepreneurs, consultants and business leaders from around the Boston region. Beer and wine for purchase, light snacks provided.